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U.S. Supreme Court Allows Introduction of Evidence Following Unconstitutional Stop and Seizure of Defendant

In a stunning decision today, the United States Supreme Court ruled that drugs taken from a defendant, who was unlawfully stopped and seized by a police officer, should not have been suppressed.  The name of the case is Utah v. Strieff. (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Overturns Manslaughter Conviction Because Judge Improperly Closed Courtroom to Public

Posted on June 17, 2016 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court reversed a defendant's conviction for manslaughter earlier this week after concluding the trial judge improperly restricted the public's access to the courtroom during the jury selection process.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Lopes.  (more…)
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Lowell Superior Court Jury Acquits Attorney Chris Spring’s Client of Attempted Rape

Posted on June 16, 2016 in
A Lowell Superior Court jury today found Attorney Chris Spring's client not guilty of assault with intent to rape, indecent assault and battery on a person with an intellectual disability, and indecent assault and battery on a person over the age of 14. (more…)
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Cape Cod Woman’s Conviction for Mistreating her Dogs Upheld by Massachusetts Appeals Court

Posted on June 15, 2016 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today upheld two convictions against a defendant who was found guilty of subjecting her dogs to cruel conditions.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Trefry.  (more…)
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U.S. Supreme Court Rules a Former Prosecutor, who Later Became a Judge, Cannot Rule on Defendant’s Appeal

Posted on June 11, 2016 in
In an opinion that should have been obvious, the United States Supreme Court ruled this week that a state supreme court justice should not have considered the appeal of a defendant he had previously prosecuted.  The name of the case is Williams v. Pennsylvania. (more…)
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