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Is the Massachusetts Animal Cruelty Statute Constitutional?

In an opinion published earlier this week, the Massachusetts Appeals Court rejected a defendant's argument that the Massachusetts law prohibiting cruelty to animals is unconstitutional.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Daly.  (more…)
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Does a “Child Care Center” Qualify as a Preschool Under the Massachusetts School Zone Law?

Posted on August 19, 2016 in
In an opinion delivered yesterday, the Massachusetts Appeals Court concluded that an East Boston child care center satisfied the definition of a preschool under the school zone statute, thereby exposing the defendant to a mandatory minimum jail sentence in addition to the punishment he received on the underlying drug crime.  The name of the...
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What Happens if there is Juror Misconduct in my Trial in Massachusetts?

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court yesterday upheld a murder conviction against a Fall River man who shot to death his neighbor, despite evidence that the jury deliberations had been tainted by an improper outside influence.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Miller.  (more…)
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Undocumented Ecuadorean Immigrant’s Manslaughter Conviction Upheld by Massachusetts Appeals Court

Posted on August 17, 2016 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today affirmed the manslaughter conviction against an illegal immigrant from Ecuador in a case that drew widespread media attention at the time of the crime.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Guaman. (more…)
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Do I Have the Right to Consult an Attorney Before Taking the Breathalyzer in Massachusetts?

In an important decision that will impact the thousands of people arrested for drunk driving in Massachusetts every year, the Supreme Judicial Court today ruled a defendant has no constitutional right to consult an attorney before deciding whether to take the Breathalyzer test.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Neary-French. (more…)
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