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Can I Be Convicted of a Crime in Massachusetts if the Witnesses Don’t Show Up at My Trial?

Posted on September 23, 2016 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court yesterday upheld the assault and battery conviction and jail sentence imposed against a Springfield man who was convicted by a jury despite the alleged victim's failure to testify at the trial.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Rodriguez.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Upholds Sentence Against Somerville Landlord Who Assaulted Her Muslim Tenant

Posted on September 22, 2016 in
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court yesterday upheld the jail sentence and conditions of probation against a 71-year-old Somerville woman who pushed her Muslim tenant down the stairs of her triple-decker.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Obi.    (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Suppresses Gun Found During Boston Cop’s Illegal Search of Defendant

In an important decision issued today, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court unanimously ruled Boston police officers illegally stopped and searched a black man who was in the general vicinity of a crime scene in 2011.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Warren.  (more…)
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Can I be Prohibited from Owning a Pet in Massachusetts if I’m Convicted of Animal Cruelty?

Posted on September 20, 2016 in
In upholding a woman's animal cruelty conviction for starving her dog to death, the Massachusetts Appeals Court today ruled it was proper for the trial judge to prohibit her from owning any pets as a condition of her probation.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Waller.  (more…)
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If I Try to Blow the Breathalyzer in Massachusetts but Can’t Give a Valid Sample, Will the Jury Know?

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today ruled that when a driver is suspected of operating under the influence of alcohol and agrees to blow the Breathalyzer, her inability to provide a valid sample will be shared with the jury.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Adonsoto.  (more…)
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