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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Upholds Conviction in Murder of Drug Dealer

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today affirmed the conviction of a man who was found guilty of participating in an armed robbery that resulted in the shooting death of a Springfield drug dealer.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Cooley.  (more…)
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Ayer District Court Jury Acquits Attorney Chris Spring’s Client Who Blew a .08 on the Breathalyzer

Posted on July 11, 2017 in
Following a two-day trial, an Ayer District Court jury took less than an hour this morning to find Attorney Chris Spring's client not guilty of operating under the influence of alcohol or while his blood alcohol content was .08 or higher.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court: Cops Could Not Follow Man Who Fled Marijuana Investigation Into His House

The Massachusetts Appeals Court today ruled Boston police officers acted unlawfully in chasing a man involved in a marijuana investigation into his house after he fled the scene.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Martin.  (more…)
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Can I Be Prosecuted Twice for a Single OUI in Massachusetts?

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today ruled a defendant who has been found not guilty of operating under the influence of alcohol under one theory of liability can be prosecuted again for the same incident under a different theory of liability.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Hebb. (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rules Cop May Not Stop Car to Serve Restraining Order

In an important search and seizure case delivered yesterday, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled a police officer may not stop a car to serve a restraining order on its driver absent extraordinary circumstances.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Sanborn.  (more…)
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