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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Upholds Roxbury Drug Dealer’s Conviction

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today affirmed the conviction of a drug dealer who was caught with at least 18 bags of crack cocaine in Roxbury.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Ehiabhi.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Upholds Assault Conviction Against Dorchester Mother Who Says Beating her Son Constituted “Discipline”

Posted on October 3, 2017 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today affirmed a Dorchester woman's conviction for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon in a case that involved her hitting her five-year-old son in the face with a belt.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Dobson.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Affirms Gun Conviction Against Roxbury Juvenile

The Massachusetts Appeals Court today affirmed the guilty finding against a juvenile who was carrying a gun in Roxbury in 2015.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Shane S. (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Affirms Conviction of Falmouth Man Who Stole From Murdered Neighbors

Posted on September 27, 2017 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today upheld the larceny conviction against a man who entered the home of his neighbors, who had recently been murdered, and stole property from them.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Green.  (more…)
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Attorney Chris Spring’s Client, Who Blew a .18 on Breathalyzer, Found Not Guilty of OUI in Concord District Court

Posted on September 26, 2017 in
A Concord District Court jury today found Attorney Chris Spring's client not guilty of operating under the influence of alcohol, despite her involvement in a serious one-car accident and her Breathalyzer reading of .18.  (more…)
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