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Massachusetts Appeals Court Says Cops Lawfully Questioned Alleged Pimp About Hotel Key Found in Pocket

The Massachusetts Appeals Court today ruled it was proper for police officers to question a man who was under investigation for his role as an alleged pimp about a hotel key found in his pocket when he was placed under arrest.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Barbosa.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Upholds Conviction in Gruesome Burlington Murder

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today affirmed the first-degree murder conviction against a man who viciously stabbed his girlfriend to death in front of their teenage daughter.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Piantedosi.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Reinstates Assault Charges in Plymouth Bar Fight

Posted on December 13, 2017 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court yesterday reversed a superior court judge's decision to dismiss some charges related to a bar fight at a restaurant in Plymouth that left the victim with serious injuries to his head.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Johnson.  (more…)
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Lowell District Court Judge Suppresses Drugs Found in Attorney Chris Spring’s Client’s Car

Posted on December 12, 2017 in
A Lowell District Court judge today ruled a Billerica police officer violated Attorney Chris Spring's client's constitutional rights when he searched the defendant's car without his consent.  As a result, the case against the defendant has been dismissed. (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Affirms Cold-Case Murder Conviction

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today affirmed the murder conviction of a maintenance man who killed an elderly woman at her elder housing complex in Springfield in 1991.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Diaz.  (more…)
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