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Massachusetts Appeals Court Rules Northeastern University Cops Unlawfully Seized Man Carrying Gun

The Massachusetts Appeals Court yesterday ruled that Northeastern University police officers unconstitutionally detained a man who was later found to be carrying a handgun.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Harris.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Upholds Drug Dealing Conviction Despite Admission of Improper “Negative Profiling” Evidence

Posted on March 19, 2018 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today affirmed a drug dealer's conviction despite the prosecution's improper admission of so-called negative profiling evidence against him.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Sutherland.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Upholds Convictions of Lynn Man who Murdered Mother and Grandmother

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today affirmed the first-degree murder convictions against a drug-addicted Lynn man who slit the throats of his mother and grandmother in 2012.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Wright.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rules Anonymous Call Allowed Cops to Stop and Search Motorist Suspected in Road Rage Incident

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today held that a state trooper properly relied on the allegation of an anonymous caller to stop a motorist suspected of an act of road rage and search his vehicle.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Manha.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Upholds Search of Defendant’s Backpack in East Bridgewater Home Invasion

The Massachusetts Appeals Court yesterday agreed with a superior court judge that the stop of a home invasion suspect, and a subsequent search of his backpack, was supported by reasonable suspicion and therefore constitutional.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Hilaire.  (more…)
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