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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Limits Exigency Exception Doctrine

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court yesterday limited the Commonwealth's ability to justify a warrantless search based on the exigency exception.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Alexis. (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Reduces Murder Conviction in Dorchester Stabbing Case

Posted on December 14, 2018 in
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today determined that a defendant's conviction for first-degree murder should be reduced to second-degree murder, which will potentially allow the defendant to be released on parole in the future.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Salazar. (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Declines to Adopt “Stand Your Ground” Rule

Posted on December 13, 2018 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today upheld a man's gun and assault convictions, rejecting his claim that the Massachusetts rule that required him to retreat before using force in self-defense violated his constitutional rights.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Leoner-Aguirre.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Reinstates Reckless Endangerment Charge Against Mother Whose Toddler Was Found Unsupervised in Nearby Playground

Posted on December 12, 2018 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today reversed a district court judge's decision to dismiss a charge of reckless endangerment of a child against a woman whose three-year-old daughter was found alone on a nearby playground.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Santos.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Changes Jury Instruction for Pimping Charge

Posted on December 11, 2018 in
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today changed the language of the model jury instruction for cases involving the prosecution of pimps.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Brown.  (more…)
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