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Massachusetts Appeals Court Reverses District Court Judge’s Suppression of Gun Discovered in a Car’s Trunk

The Massachusetts Appeals Court today reversed a Springfield District Court judge's ruling that the police acted unlawfully in searching a backpack found in the trunk of a car in which the defendant was riding.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Crowley-Chester.  (more…)
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Man Sentenced to 18 Months in Jail for Causing Back Bay Accident that Killed Young Couple

Posted on January 4, 2015 in
A Suffolk Superior Court judge sentenced a 30-year-old Allston man to serve 18 months in jail and three years of probation for crashing his car into a young couple that was taking a walk in the Back Bay last June. (more…)
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Salem Woman Sentenced to Lengthy Prison Term for Attempting to Murder Her Children

Posted on January 3, 2015 in
A 27-year-old Salem woman was sentenced yesterday to serve 20-25 years in state prison after pleading guilty to attempting to murder her children.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Reverses Lowell Building Inspector’s Larceny Conviction

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today reversed Lowell Building Inspector David St. Hilaire's larceny conviction that followed a real estate transaction between St. Hilaire and his 86-year-old neighbor.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. St. Hilaire. (more…)
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Attorney Chris Spring Successfully Moves to Suppress Drugs in Lowell Case

In a decision released today, a Lowell District Court judge has suppressed heroin and illegal prescription medication that was found in our client's pocket.  Unless the Commonwealth appeals the judge's ruling, the case will be dismissed.  Attorney Chris Spring argued the motion. (more…)
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