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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rejects Defendants’ Request for a New Trial Related to 1973 Roxbury Murder

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today rejected two defendants' pleas for a new trial in connection to their murder convictions in 1975.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Brown. (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Considers the Right of Parents to Spank their Children

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today heard oral arguments regarding the extent to which a parent has the right to physically discipline his or her child.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Refuses to Adopt “Target Standing” Rule

In an important decision delivered today, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court declined to adopt the "target standing" rule, which would protect defendants against unconstitutional police activity designed to obtain evidence against them.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Santiago.  (more…)
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Attorney Christopher Spring Urges the Massachusetts Appeals Court to Overturn his Client’s Drug Conviction

Attorney Chris Spring appeared before the Massachusetts Appeals Court today and argued that his client's drug conviction should be reversed as a result of multiple errors made by the trial judge.  Attorney Spring's brief can be read here.  (more…)
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New Probation Program Will Lead to Immediate Consequences for Defendants in Lowell Superior Court

Posted on February 2, 2015 in
An article in today's Lowell Sun described a new probation program that is being enacted in Lowell Superior Court that will likely lead to more defendants who are on probation going to jail. (more…)
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