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Massachusetts Appeals Court Rules that Peabody Cops Correctly Used the “Emergency Aid Exception” to Enter Private Apartment

The Massachusetts Appeals Court today reversed the suppression order of a district court judge, ruling that Peabody police officers were correct in entering an apartment without a warrant to investigate a potential domestic disturbance.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Gordon. (more…)
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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Family Members Testify in Effort to Save His Life

Posted on May 4, 2015 in
A fascinating scene played out in Boston Federal Court today, as several of Boston Marathon Bomber Dzokhar Tsarnaev's relatives broke down in tears while testifying about his childhood. (more…)
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Massachusetts Prosecutors Suspend Use of Breathalyzer Results in Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol Cases

Posted on April 23, 2015 in
Several district attorneys, including those in Middlesex and Essex counties, have announced that they are suspending the use of Breathalyzer results in pending operating under the influence of alcohol cases after it was discovered that some of the machines have been giving inaccurate readings. (more…)
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United States Supreme Court Rules that Cops May Not Extend a Motor Vehicle Stop to Conduct a Dog Sniff

The United States Supreme Court today ruled that the police may not order a motorist to wait, absent reasonable suspicion, for a K-9 unit to arrive to allow the dog to sniff the vehicle for drugs.  The name of the case is Rodriguez v. United States.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Concludes that Duress is not a Defense to Juvenile Murder Defendants

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today reaffirmed its previous ruling that the defense of duress is not available in first-degree murder cases.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Jackson. (more…)
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