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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Orders Hearing on Reliability of Breathalyzer Machine

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today ruled that defendants charged with operating under the influence of alcohol are entitled to a hearing to determine whether the Breathalyzer machine is reliable.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Camblin.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rules Cop was Justified in Following Fleeing OUI Suspect into his Garage

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today ruled a police officer's "hot pursuit" of a drunken driving suspect into his garage was justified.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Jewett. (more…)
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Sharply Divided Massachusetts Appeals Court Upholds Boston Police Seizure of Firearm

In a 3-2 decision, the Massachusetts Appeals Court today upheld a Boston police officer's stop of a defendant and seizure of a gun in Roxbury.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Warren.  (more…)
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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Upholds Police Brutality Convictions Against Springfield Cop

The Supreme Judicial Court today affirmed multiple convictions against a disgraced former police officer.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Asher.   (more…)
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Massachusetts Appeals Court Upholds Man’s Conviction for Uttering a Counterfeit $100 Bill

Posted on June 5, 2015 in
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today affirmed the convictions of a man who had been accused of passing a counterfeit $100 bill to pay for gas in Barnstable.  The name of the case is Commonwealth v. Tavares.  (more…)
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